Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Power supply

[A power supply] : is a device that 'supplies electrical energy' {to} 'one' {or} 'more electric loads' | The term is most commonly applied to devices that convert one form of 'electrical energy' to another | though it may also refer to devices that convert another form of 'energy' .. "[e.g.] mechanical| chemical| solar" to 'electrical energy' | [A regulated power supply] : is one that controls the [output voltage] or [current to a specific value] | 'the controlled value' is held nearly constant despite variations in either load current [or] 'the voltage supplied' by [the power supply's energy source]|

"Every power supply" must obtain 'the energy' it supplies to its load | as well as any 'energy' it consumes while performing that task | from an 'energy source' | Depending on its design | 'a power supply' may obtain [energy from]:-

1-[Electrical energy transmission systems] [Common examples of this include 'power supplies'] that convert [AC line voltage] to [DC voltage]..
2-[Energy storage devices] such as 'batteries' [and] 'fuel cells'...
3-Electromechanical systems such as generators [and] alternators.
3-[Solar power]..

['A power supply' may be implemented as a discrete] 'stand-alone device' [or] as 'an integral device' that is hardwired to its load... [In the latter case] "for example" {low voltage DC power supplies' are commonly integrated with their loads in devices such as 'computers' and 'household electronics'}.

[Commonly specified 'power supply' attributes include]

1-["The amount of voltage" and "current" it can supply to its load]
2-[How stable its 'output voltage' or 'current' is under 'varying line' and 'load conditions']
3-[How long it can 'supply energy' {without} 'refueling' or 'recharging' {applies to 'power supplies' that employ 'portable energy sources'}]

[Power supplies types]
"Power supplies" for 'electronic devices' can be broadly divided into [line-frequency] {or} [conventional] and [switching power supplies] | 'The line-frequency supply' is usually a relatively simple design | [but] it becomes 'increasingly bulky' and 'heavy' for 'high-current equipment' due to the need for 'large mains-frequency transformers' {and} 'heat-sinked electronic regulation circuitry' | 'Conventional line-frequency power supplies' are sometimes called {linear} [but] that is a misnomer 'because the conversion from {AC} voltage to {DC} is inherently non-linear when the rectifiers feed into capacitive reservoirs' | ['Linear voltage regulators produce' regulated 'output voltage' by means of an active 'voltage divider' that consumes energy] | {thus making efficiency low} 'A switched-mode supply of the same rating as 'a line-frequency supply' will be smaller | is usually more efficient | {but} will be more "complex"

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